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Strength Gains are Not Linear

You can’t expect to put 10lbs on your squat every single week. While that would be nice in theory, that means that if I were to start out with a 95lbs squat on…

There’s Always Room for Growth: Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset

Meet Sophie. Sophie is a 26 year-old female living it up in the city. She works hard and parties even harder…

Are Leaner People Happier?

There’s this circulating idea that being thin and lean brings happiness. With the recent explosion of social media over the past several years (Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat…

Then vs. Now: Learning Lessons from a Bikini Competitor

Today’s guest post comes from Stephanie…

How to Train Around an Injury

Sustaining an injury is never fun. You’re in pain, you’re inconvenienced, and perhaps most annoying of all…

Announcing the First Ever #eatliftthrive Camp

I’m so excited to announce that this year, I’ll be hosting my first ever #eatliftthrive camp on April 22-24…

The Case for Resting Longer and Lifting Heavier

We love to feel tired in the gym. For many of us, our mission is to not leave the training floor until…

26 Lessons by 26

Oh, 2015. I’ve toiled over my business and watched it thrive and flourish this year, and I’m beyond proud of the #eatliftthrive community that I – and the rest of my teammates – have built….

How I’m Embracing the Offseason (and Loving Every Minute of It!)

Today marks eight full weeks since I last stepped on the bikini stage. It’s been nearly two months…

No One Gives a Shit About Your Macros

We all have that one friend – the one who makes regular exercise and proper nutrition a priority in her life. She loves nothing more than to discuss the latest…

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