Announcing the First Ever #eatliftthrive Camp

I’m so excited to announce that this year, I’ll be hosting my first ever #eatliftthrive camp on April 22-24 in Phoenix, Arizona. This event has been a long time coming, and I very much look forward to bringing together a group of like-minded women to learn about fitness, train together, and bond in an intimate setting.

Who is this camp for?
If you’re a competitor, powerlifter, or general fitness enthusiast, this camp is for you. We invite all women of various backgrounds and levels of fitness experience to come join us for a weekend. You do not have to be a current client of mine to attend.
The only prerequisites are that you have an interest in learning about fitness and you want to embody the #eatliftthrive mindset.
What does the camp entail?
The event starts on Friday, April 22 afternoon and ends on Sunday, April 24 with a brunch and will include the following:
- introductory mixer
- seminars on nutrition, fat loss, and mindset
- optional posing session and competition Q&A with IFBB bikini pro Karey Northington – learn how to strut your stuff like this (yes, that was Karey’s doing!):
- optional entrepreneurial/career segment plus opportunity for professional headshots with photographer Crystal Hollman

- 3 hours of lifting practical plus opportunity to train in a USAPL-approved gym and group train with Sohee
- ample opportunity for bonding time with fellow like-minded women and creating friendships that will last a lifetime

A more detailed itinerary will be released as the event nears.
As well, you will have unlimited opportunity to chat with me and Karey and pick our brains about any topic under the sun. We’re a hoot to be around, I can promise you that much!
How much does it cost and what does the fee cover?
The entire camp costs $549 USD. This fee covers all meals, seminars, and training fees, plus opportunity for a bikini posing session and competition Q&A with IFBB Pro Karey Northington as well as a fitness entrepreneurial segment with yours truly and professional headshots with photographer Crystal Hollman. We will also take care of transportation to and from different venues.
You will be responsible for your flight and hotel fees if you’re coming in from out of town.
If you are a local (ie. you live in the Phoenix area), we are looking for up to 3 individuals who would be willing to help with transportation to and from different venues. We offer $100 off for anyone willing to help with driving.
Is there a deadline?
While there is no hard deadline to reserve your spot, we do have limited spaces and slots will be reserved on a first-pay, first-serve basis. Once we fill up all spots (and we’re about half full at this point), registration will close.
What hotel are we staying at?
Information about hotels and other logistics will be released as soon as possible. Please sit tight – we are working on securing a group rate so we can all stay at the same hotel for a reduced fee.
We do encourage women to pair up and share rooms. If you need assistance with pairing, we’d be happy to help with that.
How do I pay and/or get more info?
To reserve your spot, please email my assistant Lauren at She will send over an invoice and a brief questionnaire to get to know you as an attendee. You have the option of paying via PayPal (recommended) or, alternatively, you may mail in a check.
Please note that you do have the option of paying 50% deposit upfront with the remaining 50% due 2 weeks before the event. Payment is nonrefundable but is transferable.