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A Snickers a Day Keeps the Cravings Away: A Case for Flexible Dieting

Introduction A little over two months ago, I came up with the idea of eating a full-size…

Body Dysmorphia in the Fitness Industry

There was a time in my life – up until 15 years ago, I’d say – when I was completely uninhibited. For the most part, I said what I wanted…

What is Progressive Overload?

You’ve all seen them before: that one gym regular – Average Joe, we’ll call him…

How to Get More Protein in Your Diet

Getting in more protein is a recurring issue…

What’s a Good Rate of Fat Loss?

I want to take a few moments to clear up the…

How to Get Your First Chin-up

If you ask me what I think is the most badass exercise that a woman can do…

Vacation Workouts

Earlier this month, my family and I spent a week in Italy for our annual…

Five Happy Pounds

My mother has put on five pounds She and my father have been traveling…

Is Spot Reduction Really Possible?

My weightlifting journey began in January of 2008. After picking up a copy…

Why Scale Weight DOES Matter

I was eight years old the first time I learned about calories…

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