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365 Days Later: Reflecting on a Year of Balance Post-Bikini Show

Today marks one year to the day since…

Willpower is Not the Answer to Sustainable Weight Loss

Every now and then, I have a reader or a client whose body seems incredibly resistant to losing bodyweight…

Don’t Hate the Carbs, Hate the Calorie Game

Today’s guest post comes courtesy of Stephanie Dorworth of She and her husband Zach…

For Physique Goals, Set a Target Look, Not a Target Bodyweight

The norm when it comes to physique goals is…

Make Your Nutrition Fit Your Life and Not the Other Way Around

Last summer, I added a new item to my…

So You Want to Be a Powerlifter? Here are 20 Things You Need to Know

The basic premise of any powerlifting meet is as follows: you compete with other individuals…

Bikini by Day, Powerlifting by Night

I recently competed in my second powerlifting meet in the USAPL federation on April 2 in Chandler…

Strength Gains are Not Linear

You can’t expect to put 10lbs on your squat every single week. While that would be nice in theory, that means that if I were to start out with a 95lbs squat on…

There’s Always Room for Growth: Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset

Meet Sophie. Sophie is a 26 year-old female living it up in the city. She works hard and parties even harder…

Are Leaner People Happier?

There’s this circulating idea that being thin and lean brings happiness. With the recent explosion of social media over the past several years (Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat…

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