Today’s guest post comes courtesy of Stephanie Dorworth of She and her husband Zach are launching a free four-week e-course on flexible dieting that you may want to check out – details at the end!
There was once a 20-year old college student who was afraid of gaining weight again. She had gained the freshman fifteen and worked really hard to lose it. She was not going to re-live that, no matter what. So she did what she thought was best: she restricted her carbohydrate intake, which resulted in consuming fewer calories. In her mind, carbs were evil, necessarily led to weight gain, and resulted in her unhappiness.
Her diet was limited to mostly fruits, veggies, meat, and salads, and she never took a day off of exercise. As a result of her efforts, she was able to maintain bodyweight. Success!
She felt awful, though. She was tired, sore, unhappy, hungry, and weak. Her body was not functioning optimally.
Several years later, she realized she needed to make a positive change because she felt exhausted all the time. She transformed her life by reverse dieting and slowly eating more carbs. Her carbohydrate intake gradually increased to over 200 grams per day and became her main energy source again. Because of this, she was no longer tired, she was in a better mood, she felt happier, and she was stronger in the gym. She started ovulating again and having regular bowel movements.
Take a look at the carbs she used to eat versus the carbs she eats now and then answer that question.