Hi everyone, I’ll be continuing with the podcast transcriptions for those of you who prefer to read rather than listen…
A few years ago, I started noticing a trend with people who would come to me for help with their diets. When asked what their biggest…
Rigid Eating is an Ineffective Strategy for Long-Term Weight Loss Maintenance. In 2006, I stumbled across a popular fitness blog that…
2016 has been a different kind of year. Some highlights include landing a book deal with Human Kinetics…
Today marks one year to the day since…
Every now and then, I have a reader or a client whose body seems incredibly resistant to losing bodyweight…
Today’s guest post comes courtesy of Stephanie Dorworth of BeautifultotheCore.com. She and her husband Zach…
The norm when it comes to physique goals is…
Last summer, I added a new item to my…