Ice Boxer: A Lift Weights Faster Workout
I’m excited to bring you today the second ever guest post on brought to you by the one and only Jen Sinkler. Jen, the face behind the Lift Weights Faster movement, is probably one of my favorite female fitness professionals (in the history of EVER!) not only because she’s a great writer and knows her stuff, but also because she’s super whip smart and hilarious to boot.
Jen and I see eye-to-eye on all things cardio. I think you’ll find her words to be incredibly refreshing.
Take it away, Jen!
It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of social media.
It’s wonderful way to pass on shareable information and to stay connected to people you would otherwise never meet. I posted this quote, attributed to life coach Nisha Moodley, on Thrive As The Fittest a few weeks ago:
“Your vibe attracts your tribe.”
I believe these words to be true, and that it works both online and in real life. I’m a strong advocate for using the powers of social media for good and building your tribe by keeping communication positive, friendly, uplifting. Because really, it’s all about having fun with it.
Sohee Walsh thrives on social media and she’s one of my favorite follows. Last year, after the launch of my first iteration of Lift Weights Faster, she was one of the first to claim one of my Thrive barbells, and I love to see it make its appearances in her posts on Instagram. I’ve always admired her speedy – but controlled – descent into the hole of a barbell back squat, because it makes me think: “This woman takes lifting weights faster…literally.”
But it’s true, Sohee gets it: You do not have to kill yourself for hours in the gym to get the results you desire, whether your goals are to shed a layer of fat or build a butt so big it requires its own zip code. I’m a huge proponent of making your exercise routine work for you and your own life, which means doing the best you can with the time you have — even if all you have is 10 minutes.
Regularly lifting weights faster — also known as circuit training, metabolic conditioning, or cardio-strength training — can lead to a faster metabolism, a happier heart, a better hormonal profile, more mitochondria and greater capillary density, to name just a few. There’s also the additional benefit of preserving your existing muscle mass (and potentially even building new!).
On that note, I hope you enjoy the workout below, “Ice Boxer.” All you need is a barbell and timer for this AMRAP. If you’re just now diving into circuit training, keep the bar nice and light, focus on keeping your form sharp, and stay on the lower end of the 5 to 10 minute AMRAP. As you get better, you can add more minutes, or try for more rounds in the same amount of time. Whichever you choose, I hope you share it with me!
Make sure you use the hashtag #liftweightsfaster if you post anywhere on social media so I can keep up with you. Enjoy!

Name: Ice Boxer: Chill out, you can start right away!
Suggested Equipment: Just your body and barbell.
Instructions: Do as many rounds as pretty (that’s what the “P” in my “AMRAP” stands for) of this circuit in 5 to 10 minutes. Take breaks as needed (but try to take them at the bottom of the round).
Suggested Time: 10 minutes

Bodyweight Shin Box
- Start seated on the floor and flip one leg around so with the bottom of that foot is in contact with the top of the other thigh.
- Press through both knees and feet, and squeeze your glutes to elevate your hips. In the top position, you will be balancing on your knees with both feet facing the same direction.
- Lower yourself carefully back to the seated start position and rest your bodyweight on your butt.
- While keeping your feet on the floor, swivel both knees in front of you and reverse your foot and leg position.
- Repeat the movement, pressing through the knees and feet while squeezing glutes to elevate your hips.
- Alternate sides and repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Barbell Sumo Deadlift
- Set up a barbell on the floor and stand behind it with a wide stance — feet about a shoulder and a half to two shoulder-widths apart — and feet turned out slightly. (The right width for you is when your shins are vertical when your hands are gripping the bar.)
- With shins vertical and in contact with the bar, push your butt backward until you can grip the bar with your hands just inside of your knees.
- Grip width will vary, but most people will find a good position right at the knurling. Putting your hands too close together will cause the bar to teeter-totter in your hands and feel unstable. Too wide and you’ll have to drag your hands up your legs, creating additional friction.
- Take a breath.
- With your chest up, think about pushing the floor away and stand up with the weight, keeping the bar close to you during its ascent.
- Stand tall with your shoulders back and your chest up at lockout. Return to the starting position on the ground and repeat.

Bodyweight Penguin
- Lie on your back with knees bent comfortably and your shoulder blades against the floor.
- Curl upward from your midsection until your shoulders are slightly elevated off the floor.
- While keeping the shoulders elevated, reach your hand to your heel as far as your range of motion allows. Shift from heel to heel while keeping your shoulders elevated for the desired repetitions.
- Avoid neck pain by lightly tucking your chin, imagining that you are holding a softball between your chin and neck.

Bodyweight Pushup
- Start facing the floor in a straight-arm plank position with your body elevated between your hands and toes.
- Line up your hands directly under your shoulders, just wider than your rib cage.
- With a stiff core and squeezed glutes, lower your body down as far as you can control, angling your elbows out to no more than 45 degrees. Don’t let your low back sag.
- If you’re unable to complete a full pushup, scale the movement by elevating your hands onto a step, box, or railing.

Barbell Bent-Over Row
- Deadlift the barbell to your waist or pick it up out of the rack. Hinge forward at the hips approximately 45 degrees while staying wide across the chest.
- Your hand placement should be wider than your hips.
- Keeping your forearms perpendicular throughout the entire rowing motion, pull the bar up to your navel.
- Return to the start position and repeat.
- Keep your shoulders down and away from your ears throughout this movement.
Ready for to have more fun…faster?
If you’re looking to amp up your conditioning in creative and productive ways, I’ve put together a mammoth 181-workout pick-and-choose library called Lift Weights Faster 2.
Complete with a full exercise glossary that includes written descriptions and photographic demonstrations of nearly 270 exercises (from classic moves to more unusual ones — the Jefferson deadlift, anyone?), a video library that includes coaching on 30 of the more technical lifts, 10 challenge-workout videos, plus a dynamic warm-up routine, I’ve combined my training and athletic experience with my long background in magazine publishing to create a clear-cut, easy-to-use resource that you’ll want to turn to all the time.
Every workout is organized by the equipment you have available and how much time you’ve got, with options that last anywhere from five up to 30 minutes.
Lastly, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention I teamed up with my husband, David Dellanave, to create a strength program companion resource called Get Stronger Faster 2 to help you take your strength level to the next level. This completes the total workout package and helps you get results, faster.

For more info, click HERE.

Jen Sinkler is a longtime fitness writer for national magazines such asWomen’s Health andMen’s Health. A former member of the U.S. national women’s rugby team, she currently trains clients at The Movement Minneapolis. Jen talks fitness, food, happy life and general health topics at her website,