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3 Tips for Improving Your Body Image and Cultivating Body Neutrality Year Round

In just a few weeks, I’ll be walking down the aisle towards the man I fall more deeply in love with every day. Ben and I are already legally married, […]

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Five Tools to Reframe Stress and Minimize Emotional Eating During Your Menstrual Cycle

Have you ever had someone ask, “Are you on your period?” in response to your mood, behavior, or something you ate?  Many women accept premenstrual syndrome (PMS) as an unavoidable […]

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How to Lose Fat Without Dieting: Changing the Narrative and Achieving Lasting Results

The fitness industry has long promoted a one-dimensional approach to fat loss, emphasizing strict diets and calorie tracking. However, there are alternative methods that can help you achieve your physique […]

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7 Things To Do The Day After a Binge and 1 To Avoid At All Costs

Everything was fine. And then suddenly it wasn’t.  It was like time stood still for a split second, and when things slid back into focus, you saw the aftermath: the […]

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10 Signs of Healthy Relationship With Food

Somewhere and somehow, most people find themselves trapped in a rocky relationship with food.  It’s usually preceded by good intentions: to get in shape, to eat healthier, or to lose […]

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